Wednesday, April 17, 2013

About Us:

My name is Elizabeth Huerta, I am a freshman at California State Northridge University. I am majoring in biology and I aspire to become a pediatrician. You will gain from reading our blog "Slow Food Movement" is how slow food movement can give you a high quality of life by cooking at home with every body's help that will gather to have some more communication with your family members. It can also help you economically because it is a easier way to waist less money for more groceries. What I found more interesting about this project is that I never knew how important it is to actually have a slow food movement than fast food because it is a big difference, you eighter gain weight 

My name is Monica Rios, I'm also a freshman at CSUN. I am undecided but I am interested in majoring in health services. I hope readers will understand by reading this blog that it is very important to eat healthy instead of going out to eat . The Slow Food Movement is something wonderful to do, there are many advantages to it. For example, you get a healthier lifestyle, save money, and get to bond with your family when preparing a meal. Being part of this blog was great, I got to learn things that could be very helpful in the future like how much healthier it is to prepare a meal at your own home instead of going to McDonald's and picking out something from the dollar menu.  I advice to all you readers to try the Slow Food Movement, it is something that could change your life in a good way, you'll definitely feel better about yourself and soon will see the healthier transformations.

Hi there! I'm Carina Quintanilla and I am also a CSUN student, I am looking forward to becoming an English teacher and be able to make a difference in my student's lives. Working on this blog has been a great experience for me. I hope that when readers take a look at this, their way of eating changes completely! I hope that they learn to appreciate food and themselves. The most interesting part about this project was realizing how one person with great passion can make such a huge difference. Carlo Petrini ralized that we were losing interest in traditional meals and we were consuming food that most of the time we had no idea where it was coming from! He began the slow food movement to encourage a healthier and more traditional lifestyle. Because of of him there are huge organizations allover the world! over 150 countries contributing to this movement! I've learned that slow food is definitely something I want to practice in my life and with my family, since it is a great way of spending time with them as we prepare the meals and it is an awesome way to contribute to our local farms and small businesses. Readers should really look into this movement and be informed of the difference is making all over the world. 

My name is Joana M. Huerta, I am 19 years old and I attend to CSUN. I am an undecided, trying to complete my prerequisite for dental school. I am thinking to do a double major to become a biology major and photography major.  From my blog I hope readers gain the knowledge that I did when I was completing my blog. I want readers to be well aware of how we can become healthier people and start saving money. The most interesting thing I found about this blog was that I would have not thought that from just a blog I would gain so much knowledge. Another thing was people’s reactions when they see the facts that every post has in this blog. From this blog I have learned that there is a way to a healthier life style. I used to eat fast food twice a day, every day and I saw the damage it was doing to my health. I have now stopped eating so much unhealthy foods and I have seen that I actually have more money to spare for other things rather than fast food. To other readers who read this, I hope you take this information well even though it’s hard. It may be hard to understand the fact that you will not be able to eat out every day, but in the long run you will live a long, healthy life. I hope every reader learns a lot from this blog and the information is put to good use.

My name is Juan Manuel Mora, I am a freshman Spanish major at CSUN with the intentions of fulfilling my prerequisites to attend dental school. I hope readers can grasp the idea of making the switch from fast food to slow food. It is not only a healthier way to maintain you and your family healthy but its a time families can come together. The interesting part of this project was trying to make fast food look less evil, it was a challenge which I had to fulfill but it was fun as well. I learned that in the long run fast food can lead to more spending than spending now on fresh food. This includes health issues and health bills. A recommendation for the readers is to take in information and not to criticize and take this blog as an opportunity to learn.     


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