Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How it all Began!

The Slow Food Movement

This amazing phenomenon was the result of Carlos Petrini’s protest against the establishment of a McDonald’s restaurant in Piazza de Spagna, Rome in 1986. The Slow Food movement is meant to encourage traditional foods, which should be grown organically. Its goal is to defend agricultural biodiversity, encourage a new way of eating, and living. The movement has expanded globally to over 100,000 members in 150 countries. They promote local small businesses and are against globalization of agricultural products. They believe that “everyone has a fundamental right to the pleasure of good food and consequently the responsibility to protect the heritage of good food, tradition and culture that makes this pleasure possible.”   To further explain what slow food is all about , here is a brief description of their famous motto Good, Clean, and Fair.

Good  a fresh and flavorsome seasonal diet that satisfies the senses and is part of our local culture.
Clean   food production and consumption that does not harm the environment, animal welfare, or our health. 
Fair  accessible prices for consumers and fair conditions and pay for small scale producers.

The Slow Food has evolved all around the world.  They bring their slow food philosophy to life creating events and activities in every community. They envision a world where people are given rights to food that is beneficial and healthy for them, for those who produce the food, and also good for the environment. This movement has influenced many other s like the “Slow Movement” which focuses on preserving and supporting traditional ways of life. “Slow Money”  which organizes investors and donors to steer new sources of capital to small food enterprises, organic farms, and local food systems.  And also the “ Cittaslow” movement which is meant to resist the homogenization and globalization of towns and cities and seeks to improve the quality and enjoyment of living by encouraging happiness and self-determination.  The slow food movement is definitely making a difference in today’s society.

                                                                                                  By- Carina Quintanilla
Slow Food <3


  1. It was interesting to find out that this all started from one man not wanting a McDonald's built in Rome!

  2. I enjoyed this part of the blog because I learned something new (the starting of slow food movement) and learned about a motto. I believe it is a great motto to express when supporting the movement.
    Elizabeth Arouchian

  3. It's funny to hear about people protesting a Mcdonald's from being built in their city. I couldn't ever imagine someone doing that here, or at least where I live.
    Miguel Munoz
